
Legal terms and privacy

This website is the property of HOLDING SOCOTEC.


HOLDING SOCOTEC - S.A.S. with a capital of €89,346,480 - 508 402 450 RCS Versailles - Bâtiment Mirabeau - 5, place des Frères Montgolfier - Guyancourt - CS 20732 - 78182 St-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex – France

Responsible Editor:

Hervé Montjotin, Chief Executive Officer

Chief Editor:

Gabrielle Mendes, Group Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Design and production:

60 Quai Richelieu - 33000 BORDEAUX
253 rue Saint-Honoré - 75001 PARIS


This website is hosted by the company OVH - 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
It was first posted on 01/04/2024.

Data processing and civil liberties:

No individual data will be collected without your knowledge.
No individual data will be given to third parties.
In accordance with the French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 pertaining to the processing of data, files and civil liberties, you have the right to access, oppose and rectify any personal data that you may have entered on the site. The right to rectify is exercised by sending an email to the webmaster’s manager.

Intellectual property – users’ rights:

HOLDING SOCOTEC is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights pertaining to the structure as well as the content of the website worldwide.
The consulting and use of data contained in it are reserved for personal, non-commercial use, which excludes any commercial use on a local, national or international level. No logo, text, sound, graphics or image contained in the website may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, broadcasted, posted, transmitted or distributed by any means whatsoever without prior written authorisation from HOLDING SOCOTEC.
The right of reproduction is strictly limited to cases stipulated in article L. 122-5 of the French intellectual property code. When authorised, the reproduction must contain:
- the source of the document, in clearly visible characters, specifying: “This document is taken from HOLDING SOCOTEC’s website - – All rights of representation and reproduction are reserved.”
- the name of the author;
- the full content of the article (without any changes, except when it is a partial quotation).

Data protection - GDPR legal notices

The SOCOTEC Group undertakes to ensure that personal data processing carried out for the purpose of its business activities complies with European regulation no. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and French data protection law.

Read more about our GDPR legal notices

Contact our Data Protection Officer

Brand names and models:

Any brand names that are mentioned as well as product models are protected by law and by the national and international Conventions in force.

Hypertext links:

The pages on this website may contain links to other sites or transfer the user to another site. These links are provided for the sole convenience of users of this website. They are activated under the user’s responsibility only. HOLDING SOCOTEC will not be held responsible for any material, immaterial or moral damage caused in any way by the activation of the hypertext links available on the site.


Users connect to this website under their own full responsibility.
HOLDING SOCOTEC cannot be held responsible for any material or immaterial damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from a connection to this site, or due to an interruption or a malfunctioning of it, regardless of the cause. Comments and opinions are expressed on this website under the sole responsibility of the respective authors.

Photo credits:
