Our teams carry out your annual inspections for business operations. They evaluate risks and review compliances, allowing you to safeguard your operational fitness.

Our specialists in technical inspections and verifications

Our specialists are fully aware of your operating requirements and the applicable regulations particularly in terms for example of personal safety, property protection, energy savings, noise protection or air pollution. A health and safety assessment carried out on all kinds of businesses, including restaurants, schools, hospitals, factories, and offices. They evaluate the businesses compliance with specific regulations or standards

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Annual Operational Fitness Certificates (AOFC)

A health and safety assessment evaluate the businesses compliance with specific regulations or standards. Our experts tailor their evaluation to the specifics of your business and your facilities, to cover all your issues.

Our services

Assessing the business or facility

Assessing the business or facility against a specific, bespoke question template to determine its operational fitness.

Ensuring that the entity meets specific criteria or standards

Ensuring that the entity meets specific criteria or standards related to safety, performance, quality, or compliance.

Reviewing documentation

Reviewing documentation, conducting physical inspections, interviewing personnel, and evaluating procedures and practices.

Identifying potential risks

Identifying potential risks and take necessary steps to minimise them.

Delivering a report and an operational fitness certificate

Delivering a report and an operational fitness certificate that helps organisations avoid legal issues or penalties and allows them to enhance their overall risk management practices. 

Periodic Inspection (MEP Systems)

All the MEP installations deteriorate with age and use. It is essential for Property owners or managers to have their equipment inspected and tested on regular basis ensuring this way that assets are in satisfactory condition to avoid potential hazards, ensure the safety of occupants and maintain the value of the property as well as to reduce liability risks and ensures the reliability of systems.

Periodic Inspection is key to ensuring that MEP systems operates seamlessly, as well as guaranteeing the safety of employees and occupants, ensuring the quality and functionality of system/equipment along with the compliance with the regulatory standards and the technical specifications.

MEP systems periodic Inspection is a comprehensive assessment of the MEP asset’s physical condition, including the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and related fire and life safety systems. The inspection involves a detailed inspection of the building MEP services, recording the condition of all MEP elements and highlighting defects and non-compliances with the current standards, along with providing recommendations for appropriate remedial and corrective actions. 

MEP systems periodic Inspection may be carried out on all kinds of businesses and sectors , including shopping malls, offices and residential properties, schools, hospitals, factories, etc.,

Our services

Assessing the business or facility

Assessing the business or facility against a specific, bespoke checklist template to determine its condition.

Ensuring that the entity meets specific criteria or standards

Ensuring that the entity meets specific criteria or standards related to safety, performance, quality, or compliance.

Reviewing the documentation

Reviewing the documentation, conducting physical inspections, and evaluating procedures and practices.

Identifying potential risks

Identifying potential risks and taking necessary steps to minimise them.

Delivering a report

Delivering a report that details any observed damage, deterioration, defects, dangerous conditions and any non-compliances with the present-day safety standard that might give rise to danger; this will help organisations avoiding legal issues or penalties and allowing them to enhance their overall risk management practices. 

Need more information about technical inspections and verifications services ?

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