The energy transition is a key issue in our fight against climate change. SOCOTEC Middle East experts have developed a range of expertise dedicated to renewable energy projects.
New sources of carbon-free energy
In a context of increasing energy consumption and limiting our carbon footprint, it is imperative to develop new sources of carbon-free energy. SOCOTEC Middle East can support you with a range of services dedicated to the development of green energies, whether you're undertaking a solar or wind power project.

Talk to our experts
Photovoltaic energy and wind farms
Photovoltaic energy is booming in the Middle East, where the sun is an inexhaustible resource. As a large proportion of photovoltaic installations are not subject to any compulsory inspection, they are a major source of exposure to fire risks and are often the cause of major damage or even operating losses. Having your installation inspected is the best way to protect yourself against the risk of fire, and to ensure that it is covered by an insurance company.
Wind farms are subject to a wide range of obligations, including environmental impact assessments during the project phase, inspections of structures during construction and checks throughout operation. They also present specific risks for those working on them, which makes checking the safety of your equipment particularly important.
Our services
In the early stages
Examining the wind or photovoltaic plant project feasibility, providing strategic advice and decision-making support, technical optimisation support (consistency or decision-making support), analysing the project's environmental impact.
Technical assistance in the design phase
Checking and approving the technical documentation in all its aspects: examination of the calculation notes for the foundation works, checks of the plans for the soundness of the structures, the safety and performance of the electrical installations, etc.
Execution phase
Validation of the project's compliance with the specifications as well as the local and international standards, checking the electrical installations before they are commissioned.
During the operational phase
Carrying out periodic checks of equipment and installations associated with the wind or photovoltaic plant: electrical installations, collective protection equipment, lifting equipment, etc. Auscultation and monitoring of the ageing process of structures and components.
Need more information about renewable energy services ?