SOCOTEC Middle East provides professional third-party reviews for geotechnical design solutions, supporting clients in ensuring the safety of people and property while maintaining compliance with international standards and authority requirements.
Our services:
Pile Design Review
This service involves reviewing the design of foundation piles by a specialist. The geotechnical capacity of the piles is assessed based on standard practices, and their structural design is verified under ULS (Ultimate Limit State) and SLS (Serviceability Limit State) load combinations in line with international standards and authority requirements. Additional checks, such as crack width evaluation for piles subjected to tension, can also be performed.
Shoring Design Review
This service includes a structural review of the shoring wall system and its support systems (ground anchors or struts). An independent verification is carried out according to international standards to meet authority requirements.
Slope Stability Analysis
“Slope stability” refers to the ability of inclined soil or rock slopes to resist movement. This analysis evaluates the proposed slopes' stability by ensuring they meet adequate safety factors and verifies stabilization techniques. Factors

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