IGIC 2024

Meet our team
at the International Geotechnical Innovation Conference
October 30-31

Thu 19/09/2024 - 10:46

From october 30 & 31, SOCOTEC will be showcasing its range of missions at the International Geotechnical Innovation Conference (IGIC), which takes place at the Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre, Dubai, UAE 

At the IGIC, visitors have the opportunity to discover how to optimize geotechnics and underground constructions practices in the middle east. They also can meet key stakeholders involved in the underground construction, discover cutting-edge technologies and solutions in ground improvement and deep foundation construction, hear from regional and global experts on the industry best practices to tackle the numerous geotechnical challenges.

In response to the evolving landscape of the infrastructure and construction sector, SOCOTEC Middle East epitomizes the mission of the SOCOTEC Group. Our dedicated experts strive to cultivate a safer world by upholding project integrity, mitigating risks, and enhancing client performance. We specialize in risk management and technical consultancy services, offering support to clients in the construction, real estate, infrastructure, and industrial sectors.


Visit our team Booth #6 to discover our dedicated range of services :

  • Infrastructure
  • Building control & project management assistance
  • Health & safety for the built environment 
  • Environmental services

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